Keep up to date with everything going on in my world of photography.

It's a busy summer of fun, all of which will be posted here. ENJOY!
Email James at

Sunday 25 April 2010

A bit of fun with the kids at home

It's all too easy to forget to actually take some photos of your own children when you're busy taking pictures for a living. Grandparents discovered an old pool table in the shed which kept them entertained for hours and was a good excuse for me to get some slightly different portraits....

Monday 19 April 2010

It's not just about the stills!

It is undoubtedly one of the most exciting times to be involved in making images. More and more we are going to see a cross-over from still photography to moving images. It's worth considering a photographer to work on any video ideas you might have for your business. Here is a 15 second promo video for Quex Park in Birchington which they commissioned to enhance their presence at Kent 20/20 Vision being held at the Detling Showground, Thursday 22nd April. Around the site there will be big displays and this is one of the advertisements running.